Writers and Creatives
Discover the light of creativity within you.
Everyone has a story inside.
Sometimes, the most powerful medium for your story is in written form. Writing, acting, or singing might serve as your creative outlet. You can also share your story through visual arts like painting, sculpture, photography, videography, design, or programming. These are just a few possibilities among a vast spectrum of creative outlets.
The crux is that everyone carries something inside that is worth sharing.

And sharing your story is absolutely crucial.
It may sound simple and straightforward, but it’s not easy to do. You may need help to understand that light deep within you and then how to unveil it to the world.
Maybe you are struggling to connect and share your story.

A lot of people find it difficult to express themselves.

All too often, our deepest passions remain veiled by our complex human nature.
That’s why having a trained guide to help you connect with and express your passions can make a huge difference.
And this is where I can help.
My life’s passion revolves around assisting you in uncovering and articulating your unique voice.
Our method involves sitting down together and engaging in conversation. As you share your thoughts and emotions, I listen in a special way, attuned to the subtle hints that lead us to your truth; your story.
Your story is very important.
It’s larger in scope than you might initially grasp. The way you express yourself has an impact on everyone you come into contact with.
Consider the analogy of flight attendants in their pre-flight instructions:
“In the event of a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling. First, secure your own oxygen mask before attempting to help others.”
It makes sense, because if you lose consciousness, you aren’t much help to anyone else. However, by ensuring your own oxygen supply, you’re better equipped to aid your fellow passengers. Discovering your voice is akin to securing your oxygen mask. This act is one of self-interest, but only in the short term.
When you connect with the radiance within yourself, you become the person who wears an oxygen mask securely fastened.You have become a source of assistance for the rest of us.

When you share your story, you contribute to the collective expansion and growth of everyone else.
It’s time to find your creativity and express yourself.
The world is waiting for you!

Contact Me
If you or a family member experience a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or proceed immediately to the closest emergency room. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
563 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 529-2928