So what is psychoanalysis?

You’ve probably heard the term more than just a few times.
For many of us, the word “psychoanalysis” brings to mind all kinds of things, most of which are probably based on outdated ideas.
I was pretty clueless about psychoanalysis even as I was training to be a psychiatrist. However, my preconceived notions were turned upside down after I experienced firsthand the powerful healing effect in my life.
Psychoanalysis aims to provide clarity by unraveling the intricacies of one’s psyche, often leading to profound self-discovery and emotional healing.
Contemporary psychoanalysis is rich and vibrant.
- It’s active and engaging.
- Some clients use the couch, others don’t.
- It offers a way for people to access some of their most profound information.
I offer traditional psychotherapy or psychoanalysis based on your specific needs and preferences.

Contact Me
If you or a family member experience a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or proceed immediately to the closest emergency room. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
563 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 529-2928