Even if therapy helps, there may be times when you need additional help.
Every aspect of your treatment deserves a careful and well-thought-out approach.

Medication is one option available to assist you.
When considering whether to take medication, it’s important to carefully consider which medication and how much is the right amount for you.
It’s a good idea to work with someone who can understand your unique situation and take time to answer your questions.
In addition to medications, other practices can also improve your sense of well-being.

These habits and routines can improve your quality of life:
- Regular exercise.
- Yoga.
- Diet with fewer simple sugars and processed foods.
- Avoid substances that adversely effect your mind or emotions.
- Daily meditation.
- Balanced and consistent sleep wake-cycle.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your treatment options, feel free to reach out.

Contact Me
If you or a family member experience a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or proceed immediately to the closest emergency room. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
563 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 529-2928