Do you get the sense that something in your life just doesn’t quite fit?
Feelings of anxiety, depression, emptiness, or self-destructive behaviors can be signs there’s more to explore.
It’s true that people from all walks of life face challenges, but as an LGBTQIA+ individual, you navigate a unique set of hurdles. While society has made strides in understanding gender and sexuality, it has also triggered resistance to change, leading to hostility and aggression.
These external pressures can have a profound impact. You may have encountered rejection, isolation, discrimination, or even violence simply because of who you are. Regrettably, the remnants of these experiences can linger within you, often hidden from view. When left unaddressed, they can wield significant power, hindering your ability to embrace life to the fullest.
However, here’s the hopeful truth: You don’t have to be defined by your past or by these painful experiences.

Therapy provides a path towards healing and liberating you from the toxic clutches of life experiences that hinder your well-being.

You deserve a therapist who can understand your unique life story and the hidden dynamics within.

Each person is a distinct individual with their own life circumstances, relationships, and experiences.
Over many years of working with LGBTQIA+ individuals, I’ve learned there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.
I want to meet you where you are and help you break free from whatever is holding you back.

Let’s work together to help you live the life you were meant to lead.

Contact Me
If you or a family member experience a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or proceed immediately to the closest emergency room. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
563 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 529-2928